oh boy---as is my wont---the "S" and, after my 1st setter 'shaun'---the IE/Y sound...my beautiful red boys..."sunny", partnered w/shaun (my used dog), then my avatar, who years later, died last yea;,the big, beautiful, "shawneelee"---had one blk lab, "suzie" (after H.S. sweetheart) then, my 3 springers---all from the same breeder, 6 mos. apart...2 outside bros. and a 1/2 in the middle...SPOOKEY (one of my greatist dogs ever), skeary (looked like a combo skunk/bear cub when first he ran towards us from afar), and skrewy, the youngest, most trim/athletic)...
as a contributing tribute to my "s"/"y" sound...my rescued german s.h. pointer's name was changed to "sadie"...
this will ALWAYS be my way...
Last edited by jaybulls; 08-17-2015 at 08:08 PM.