First of all, we will do our best to keep these forums being spammed by trolls or flamers. Most of you guys are frequent member of many other forums and I'm sure you guys are familiar with the "report post"

button. It's almost impossible for us to check every thread on the forums but we do check EVERY single reported post and take appropriate action. We encourage people to report a post instead of replying with a offensive reply. All it does is ignites the fire even more. If you see a post by someone that's out of line, report

the post! DO NOT attack him/her back with an offensive post because if you do so, now you've violated the
*Harassment of other members will not be tolerated.(No matter how bad they deserve it). If you don't like their post, IGNORE IT! (added by onethreefive)
Also, I should mention, this is a public forum. All you need, to sign up here, is an email address and a computer. I can't stop there trolls or immature posters from signing up but I sure can revoke their privilege once they post something immature or offensive. Unless you guys report these posts, I have no way of knowing who these people are!