Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
Broo if i tell you that i send those a$$holes to the hell last year from a damn issue... I be with Tmobile from a few years until last year  My problem with them was that my cellphone was broken and my contract are about to end in that moment... well i go to a Tmobile office and tell my problem... my cellphone is broken and i want to renew my contract to get a new cellphone... the person who have my case tell me that i cant renew my contract... i said  you tell me that i cant renew and have to wait a month to get a new phone... hell no im not gonna wait... so tell her what they can do for me and she tell me that she can give me a discount on a new phone... i said hell no im out of here... soo on front of that tmobile store is an AT&T store i enter and i said my problem with Tmobile... long story short... i move to AT&T... fck Tmobile and im very happy with the services and the signal at least here in PR is a lot better than the shitty signal of Tmobile...
sounds like sh!t mobile for sure. they're no better here in the states. only reason i have to stay with them is because i use a lot of data. i average about 40-50gigs of a data a month. if i go with at&t or verizon my monthly bill would be like $600. so i have to put up with tmobile till my company starts paying my monthly bill and then i'm going to verizon.
2 plus 2 times 2 = ? ... hint, it's not 8
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