Originally Posted by EVOHUNTER
Theres no oil in the world that is 100%, the highest content is Liqui moly, which is 74-78%. The other 20-30% is natural minerals.
In The USA and Canada, oil can be 10% and be classified as Fully syn and 100% syn.
In Germany, The syn content needs to be over 50% to be a fully syn or 100% syn.
Went to the factory in Ulm Germany last year.
They tested the top 10 - "100 %" syn oils.
Lets just say... the oil u think is 100% is more along the lines of 15-20%
Liqui moly has the highest syn content out of any oil on the market.
motul tested extremely high aswell.
To me "100%" is just that, at least 50% synthesized where "full" is more like 15% like you mentioned. Motul is also classified as synthetic in Germany but im not sure at what %, I was told it was the highest of all manufactures but i'll have to look into Moly! So would you say from what you learned in Germany that Moly is the best option for synthetic oil out there? I get a killer price on Liqui moly...maybe I should switch instead of selling my kidney for motul!