Stillen Bracket Reinforcement
Found a few pics of the Stillen Bracket on line and did a real quick job of photoshopping them to just to illustrate the weak area I'm referring to.
If you notice in the picture that has the SC'r attached to the bracket it actually looks like it is solidly designed and constructed.
It is, however, deceiving.
The SC'r itself stands off from the bracket by about a 1/4" or so with a rather stingy spacer --- and to make matters worse, it is only supported part way around.
The SCR is held in space (pun intended) by only the 3 bolts and the small surface area of the spacer.
In the next photo I airbrushed out the SC'r [very quickly and not to scale] just to illustrate the small surface area [highlighted in red - again not to scale] that is being asked to support the SC'r under load.
This is where I feel there is the need for reinforcement in order to reduce the bracket flex.
There is room enough to create a more substantial spacer - extending it's mass to the left [clearing the belts] bolting it to to the main bracket plate with either 3 more bolts or 2 bolts and a locator pin.
This along with EVO's much improved tensioner plate on the other side of the bracket plate should make the bracket super strong.
I'll be the first to kick in another case of beer to EVO's buddy !
B  B