After a year and a half and roughly 11k miles boosted, my motor popped.
I was giving a coworker a ride after work on Sunday and did a nice 2nd-5th pull letting off as soon as I shifted out of 4th and in 5th. My buddy says "This is the fastest car I have ever been in" and I'm all like

So I hit it again otw back in 3rd, changed to 4th gear and at about 5-6k RPMs I hear something under my car that sounds like a coffee grinder. I thought I hit something in the interstate.... until I saw fire coming from both sides of my car. I immediately knew that my motor popped. It was a sad day. That night I contemplated the meaning of life and all other kinds of deep thought lol. I havent had any time to tear it apart to really see what happened, however there really isn't any reason for me to do so. I don't have the money in my "car fund" to fix it, so if I take it apart I'll end up having car parts EVERYWHERE for a long period of time. Now some pictures:
They aren't the greatest pictures, but in the second picture, you can see oil all over the rear bumper. The third and fourth pictures show what I found when I removed the metal plate covering the steering rack and lines. Its hard to tell, but there is a rod bearing, rod, piston, piston ring, oil pan, and other assorted metal pieces in there. I won't know the real carnage until I get some money to do whatever Im going to do with the car. Overall I'm really bummed. I contemplated selling the car for $8k as is and being done with it, but decided that I will wait until my emotions aren't influencing my decisions lol.
Now for the questions that everyone will ask:
-Turbo kit: Boosted Performance
-Yes the car was tuned. It was tuned by Jon at Z1. I changed some of the intercooler piping, so I had some minor drivability issues, but at WOT the tune was solid, running more on the rich side that it was lean. (11-11.4ish)
-I was making 532hp and 500tq to the wheels
-When I would drive the car, I was very easy on it. Like a grandma. When I would DRIVE the car, I beat the crap out of it
-I have 750cc injectors and CJM's RRP (walbro 255 pump) and CJM fuel return. There were no leaks or fuel pressure issues.
-I did have a ticking noise at idle and while driving. I am relatively sure that it was transmission noise rather than engine noise though because 1) it sounds like its coming from the transmission when you are under the car and 2) it has been making the noise since December and I have driven the car like its supposed to be driven since then, even making the trip to ZdayZ and back with 0 issues.
-What was the cause? Im not entirely sure. Im thinking that with my driving combined with 500 lbs of tq, that the little rods couldn't handle it any longer and gave in.
-Whats next? Again, I'm not sure. I don't know if I want to rebuild the motor to handle more boost, throw in a used motor and dial down the boost a little, or swap in something else. I love the thought of an LS due to simplicity and ease of getting parts. Im just not sure of the thought of an LS in my Z lol. We will see I guess.