Originally Posted by nogoodname
Do you have a smoke detector, that should of caught the leaked smoke. When I start my wood stove.... You can definately see a haze sometimes... That's the smoke from start up.
Well, what happened was I started the fire and teh way I always started my fires was by building up a pyramid fire. 3 logs on the bottom (center log a fire starting log), then two on top, then one over that. I wrap it in news paper like a Hershey kiss and light the tip. That build a real hot smokeless fire from the get go. The neg pressure messed up the burning process which also forced the main hatch to open. Its like an 80 year old pot belly stove and they have poor hatches that open easy which also lets you know there’s neg pressure so I guess its good.
We do have a smoke detector but I was gone for a short time to get my coffee and stop off at the paint shop to say morning
. When I got back there was a good amount of smoke build up from the open door, poor lit fire and neg pressure. I hahd to move a bunch of stuff to get to the over head door since like I said we are in the works of remodeling basically and building new desks and benches so there was about two work benches worth of wood on top of parts stands, FG hoods, molds, etc. In that short amount of time moving stuff to get to the door I inhaled enough to get to me. Real stupid of me to keep the stuff cluttered but it was only going to be for a few days and I had that thought "oh what’s the worst that could happen"... We all know what happens when somebody says, "whats the worst that could happen".