Originally Posted by Dwight Frye
I'm either lucky or don't fit the profile of people that say they get pulled over often for chickens**t reason. I have not owned a car in CA with a front plate installed since 1984. I got 1 ticket in all that time and it was by a weasel cop. I used to live near a school zone and knew it was heavily patrolled. One day, doing about 20 MPH in a 25 zone I saw a motorcycle officer ahead had pulled a soccer mom in a minivan over and was writing her up for some infraction. He stepped out into the street, pointed at me and then pointed at the curb. WTF I thought, I sure wasn't speeding. He finished with soccer mom and then came over and wrote me a no front plate ticket no questions asked. I put the plate on, got it signed off and promptly removed it again. That was 2 cars ago, haven't been hassled since.
People just jealous and salty that they couldn't get away with it.