Originally Posted by zsport1
Not really. There are just some Genesis fan boys keeping the thread alive. Same thing happened on my350z. 
Man you are being a little harsh. Don't get me wrong, I love the 370Z, but please give credit where it is due. Hyundai has
really made some major strides towards a bright future in the sports car department. Is it as "prestigious" as Nissan's sports car heritage? Not yet. But they are certainly making their way up the chain.
And what about overall quality? I don't see Nissan (#14) up where Hyundai (#8) is. What's up with that? Heritage? Prestige? I thought companies are supposed to build better products over time?
Now about the accident photos... Sure, the airbags did not deploy in the wreck that you posted, but there are lemons in virtually every brand. As unfortunate as it is, sometimes stuff doesn't work. Anyway, I understand that you're loyal to Nissan and that you're merely defending the company that makes money off of you. But like I said #14 is not any better than #8 and the "other" supposed inferior company is still increasing the gap.
In the end, it's all about what you can
afford and what you personally
like. I am not a Hyundai fanboy, but I am smart enough to point out that it's a great company.