Originally Posted by jchammond
Car will get faster as it breaks in; I see your 60' time was good/ so you must have not spun much- also(correct me if I'm wrong) your car has a 3.92:1 diff ratio?
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Thank you , you are right, not much spin, car grabed very good that run, im still learning how to use the car properly, i had all kinds of manual cars, but seems like every time i get a new one i have to learn how to drive

, so i can get the max out of it. My previous car was Lexus ISF (automatic ) and took me a little while to learn how to use it on the track, but i wanted manual so bad , so i ended up with the NISMO , my plan is to get into 10s , so once i learn how to drive it properly, it will go twin turbo for power and ill add bunch of other things i have in mind as far as suspension, clutch flywheel and all the other good stuff ....