Originally Posted by ssmoked
I think the price wasn't too bad considering they changed the automatic transmission fluid with their Nissan "exclusive" tool.
Originally Posted by ssmoked
I mean, technically an independent shop can acquire the 'tools' too and only use it once or twice per year.
Do you even know what the "tools" are? Because there are no special tools required to change out the 7AT transmission fluid. That mechanic/dealer is just feeding you some Angus Prime Bull$hit. The AT fluid is susceptible to volume changes based on temperature, so you have to get the fluid to the proper temp when you check the fill level. The tools that can read the temp just plug into the OBD2 port. They can be pretty expensive, but they do far more than just help you change the transmission fluid. Pretty much any mechanic shop is going to already have something that does this.
And $615 is outrageous for that list IMO. That dealer is pretty good though. It's their job to make you feel good about overpaying for service