Originally Posted by jsutton2
Hard to take pics of but I'll give it a try.
We didn't repair and give your old ones back to you,because we fix it into full fiberglass and sold the old ones as full fiberglass to a local guy for less $$.
We had many order before you also,so we have to get other peoples orders out also,before yours.
By us replacing your damage ones with no questions ask.And we dealing with UPS damage after is that not good?

If UPS is ever going to pay us the most we are going to get back is $100
When Carbon fiber is hand lay there can be movement in the weave.
If you get fake carbon then maybe it will look perfect .
Once you install it, tell us how much of that black you are going to see
After you install it we're pretty sure it will look every nice on your Z
If you think $325 is a lot $$$ for U.S hand made Carbon parts?
Wait till you get Carbon parts for Euro car