Originally Posted by KngScottieV
Since you didn't mention it, have you checked the clutch fluid level and color?
Color is only slightly and indicator because some clutch fluid brands can be darker than others. The kind I've used are usually closer to clear than anything.
Actually I haven't as it was a new transmission installed by Z1.
Originally Posted by Z_ealot
Did you happen to replace the csc and cmc at the time you did your clutch and flywheel cause if not that could cause some of your issues since the cmc is known to be a weak point with higher clamping force clutches
I replaced the csc a long time ago when I put in the new clutch but also with the new transmission I am running the z1 csc elimination kit.
Originally Posted by MAMotorsports
Put in some Redline MT85 and see if that helps.
Also, what weight flywheel did you get?
I'll check it out this weekend, I went with the light weight flywheel that JWT included with their clutch.