Originally Posted by AV8rZ
More like if the hardest flip in the balls from the paper football world champion
Stand up seller! Thing is probably as perfect as a knob can be  Wasn't worth it for me but then again nothing is worth what you pay for it and we are in the group of spenders that everyone on the outside, including friends, family, and wives say "you're crazy for spending that much, I would never, and don't understand why!" We get it, they don't. Buy it and don't eat for a month, makes perfect sense to me cuz I did it for this piece of metal too!
Hmm.. To me, it feels more like Manny Pacquiao speed punching with a few gut-wrenching uppercut in-between. Word to the Pac-Man.
Thank you for sharing some insight. Looks like I'll have to fall back on ramen and lay low for a few weeks.