Originally Posted by Montez
Man, sorry to hear this, but good you came out without major injury! Just looking at that from the few pics that we have seen here I don't think that they will total it, looks pretty far from that point especially without and airbags being deployed. I do wish you the best regarding that, let us know what they do!
Yeah just hoping it's not too bad. But if it is.. Then I will be looking for another Z soon.
Originally Posted by Trips
Wow! Glad to hear your Okay
If they dont write it off, I strongly suggest that before you sign off and take posession?
Have someone drive it and follow behind them if not you to make sure it's driving straight like it did before the accident.
Make sure you are totally happy before you sign off and accept the car in your possession.
Again glad your Okay and sorry about the Z
Will do Trips!
Thanks for the advice. Hate to see this happen to my car. I'll check it thoroughly everything before accepting it.
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