Well the no front license plate is just all based on personal preference. Honestly if you don't have it and get caught, it's done there is no fixing it really quick like rolling down your windows once you see the cop.
Rolling down your windows after passing the cop like you said was probably the wrong thing to do because at that point it seems as if you are trying to hide it.
As for the police officer not measuring the tint, of course that can always be fought against. Kind of like a cop saying that you shot someone but didn't fingerprint the gun for evidence and you took the gun with you when the officer left.
I do agree with zedge and gale and every one that if you get caught for something like this than don't make it about anything racial or anything profiling and just pay your dues and move on from it. You obviously did something that the officer did not like or though was suspicious. Hell for all you know he saw you before you passed him, saw the license plate, and the window tint and then saw you rolling the windows down while passing him. Pretty rational reason to be pulled over.
Yes license plate and tint is probably a quota ticket at the end of the month, but in a sense you kind of provoked it.
I have no front license plate and have my windows tinted at 20%, the no front license plate and slight window tint can give the same impression to an officer, plus the fact that I am 20 years old gives them another reason. Plus my car is not the quietest lol.
I have also never passed a cop going faster than the speed limit in this car. I will wait for them to be going slow enough and them wanting me to pass. Like if the speed limit was 35 and he was going 30, at that point I'd pass but I wouldn't do it fast but gradually showing control over the vehicle.
If the cop and I are going about the same speed I will sit close to his blind spot to avoid my missing front license plate being seen.
I do try and do my best to avoid being pulled over as much as possible:
1. To not have to deal with any harassment
2. To not have to pay a fine
3. I've learned to spot any cop in a humanely possible field of view (night or day)
If I do get caught and pulled over (knock on wood) then I will just handle what needs to be with the officer and then do what I need to do to get it handled by me.
Simple as that.