jp- thanks for your insight on win10

very informative indeed.
im on win7. my lenovo at home came with win8 and i had my wife install win7 cause i HATED win8 so much. ive heard about win8.1, but for the moment ill not take my chances and keep win7.
Originally Posted by JARblue
Oh man, I just love taking a big bite out of a fresh jalapeno 
im from j-land. j-folks aren't very strong towards sour/spicy foods.

well, i take that back. i remember my pops chomping down on jalapeno's and smiling. he lived in mexico for sometime. in fact he was a spanish major and speaks fluent spanish.

he is a japanican
Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
Hahhahahhaa!!! awesome bro... honestly i cant be with a girl that dont know how da fck cook... for that i preferred stay alone and just be like Mr Grey of 50 shades of Grey hahaha!! hang out with girls and make them sign a contract loooooooool!!
But reality is that i taste my GF food before ask her to be my GF loooool! 7 year to the day and i think i would marry her soon


at finding the one, carlitos!