Originally Posted by kenchan
 about your gf being a great chef. honestly when i was younger before marriage, i couldn't stand gf's that couldn't cook worth a dogdamn. u'd probably laugh, but one of the first questions i asked my wife when we met was if she could cook.
dats where we would've separated if she said no. there are many pretty girls out there, but not so many pretty girls that can actually cook.
my wife is a great chef. my kid gets all the training from her. i think she can be a professional chef if she wanted to be, but getting up early am to go to the market to buy stuff is not really her lifestyle.  she prefers to work late nights and sleep in.
Hahhahahhaa!!! awesome bro... honestly i cant be with a girl that dont know how da fck cook... for that i preferred stay alone and just be like Mr Grey of 50 shades of Grey hahaha!! hang out with girls and make them sign a contract loooooooool!!
But reality is that i taste my GF food before ask her to be my GF loooool! 7 year to the day and i think i would marry her soon
Originally Posted by Leingod
That sounds amazing. Can i borrow them for a few weeks? I have an anniversary coming up
Mine is the same way. And you begin to take it for granted after a while. But dating 17+ women and only 3 were decent cooks speaking volumes. My GF will go to the market and local vendors for fresh produce and meats. She isn't afraid to adjust different things to old recipes and loves to experiment. It's refreshing and she loves it. It's the girls who think making scrambled eggs in the microwave that scare me.