Originally Posted by JWillis72
It's not always high, I don't own a can that doesn't shift a gun a little.
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Originally Posted by ImportConvert
My t2 dot is very crisp magnified. My t1 dot was a diagonal slash. Unmagnified they were the same. T2 works very well magnified. T1 not so much.
On this rifle I got about a 2moa shift with the suppressor.
Originally Posted by Rusty
High with the muffler? With everything being the same.The suppressor usually increases bullet velocity. Which makes the bullet fly flatter.
Originally Posted by Rusty
Everyone I know that has a muffler, including me. All shoot high because of the increase in velocity. Usually about 150fps. Have heard of a few that the point of impact shifted left or right also.
Originally Posted by ImportConvert
One of my cans shoots a touch higher than the other. I believe it's straight down, though, as a whole, with this can on this gun.
What you're talking about is "freebore", and it's typically less than the variance from shot to shot in velocity increase, and some suppressors don't have any appreciable freebore effect. At the extreme edge you're looking at about a 20fps increase or so on rifles, maybe 30-50 with a pistol.
No, the POI shift has to do with changing the barrel's harmonics, and there is no written rule.
Originally Posted by ImportConvert
I have never seen that documented. Every single documented comparison shows VERY MINIMAL freebore boost, as I said in my other post.
I would challenge you to show this to me, this 150fps increase. As a datapoint, all of the rifles I've suppressed shoot low with the can, to varying degrees. Again though, it's just harmonic variance. YMMV of course. The 150fps increase though, is many times what I've seen proven.
Here is one example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwnG1dz0Du0
Originally Posted by Rusty
Out of 14 of us that have mufflers. 11 shoot high. One shoots to the left some, and the other 2, who knows.
On this topic. Found out some stuff. Some, if not all was using different loads when we was testing bullet impacts with the cans. So the results that I was looking at was crap.

Had a chance to redo this with a couple of the guys using the same loads, and my new Chrono. Impacts had very little change (1/2 MOA at the most), as did the velocity (10~25 on the avg). All of this is on 3 AR15's shooting .223/NATO, and 1 AR10 in .308. The assumption was that I thought the guys all was using the same loads for testing with/without the cans. You know when you assume something. You become the first 3 letters in that word.