Originally Posted by onzedge
OK, so they say there are no "gimmes" in AA. Perhaps this is true, but I am taking one now due to upcoming travel.
This Sunday marks my 15th year of sobriety. Without god's grace and the men and women of AA who have been there day after day and year after year I would not be writing this. It is to all those folks and everyone else in my life I dedicate this day.
To borrow heavily -- we share our experiences, strengths and hopes with each other that we may solve our common
problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. This works, my friends and I am proof.
I am grateful to all of you, as all of you have had a role to play whether you know it or not. I think of and pray for, those who still suffer and for them there is hope and a, way out. it is true.
Bless you all.
congrats dude, totally proud of you.