Originally Posted by madwi
Instructions unclear, fujimura stuck to head with VHB!
Originally Posted by JARblue
I took photos of the shitty detail job the Honda dealer did. I think the sales guy was afraid I was going to rate him bad (they don't work for commission - their bonuses are based on individual performance reviews by customers and overall sales made by the dealer).
Earlier I had told him not even to bother detailing it because they're likely to do more harm than good. Well even with the detail, the glass was absolutely filthy, the paint wasn't very clean (if you looked close enough), and the interior had dirty water spots all over the door, steering wheel, and center console
So the sales guys goes over to the bin of dirty a$$ cotton towels; I had to stop him in his tracks. I told him I would take care of it with the proper equipment at home. I assured him it would not affect his performance rating (since it wasn't his fault), and I sent him the photos so he could go bitch out the detail guys for such a shitty job.
yah, definitely uncool, but good to hear u got the car before further damage.
Originally Posted by JARblue
Stop it. Just. Stop it.
