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Old 07-21-2015, 06:02 PM   #58 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by birdman71 View Post
Dude I live off of Sepulveda and Arlington lol. At that point I think that you and I probably live about 5 minutes away from each other

The Arco I'm sure your referring to down on Sepulveda and Ocean? haha always really damn cheap there, too bad Arco gas is crap. The Chevron on Sepulveda and Prairie and the 76 on Crenshaw and Sepulveda are usually where I fill up
Paid $4.29 a gallon yesterday with my $.20 cent per gallon discount. Sadly with that Vons or Ralphs rewards point for gas discount works half way for me. I use my credit card for gas so I get the increased price by $.10 /gallon. So really I get $.10 off per gallon and waived credit card fee per gallon.

Works for me though. still beats paying $4.39 a gallon.

I live in PV, and I drive down Crenshaw every day. I fill up at Shell on Crenshaw and Lomita, I use a buddy's Ralph's discount for .20 off all every time and they don't charge for credit card, and I get 3-5% cash back on that too.

Arco is a Top Tier gas, so it isn't that bad. And if ever I feel I get crap gas, I work for a lab, I can get any and every additive for free, LOLLLLL
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