Here's an on topic post warning for anyone checking out this FS thread:
370z Seats Headlights and Passanger Tailight
Originally Posted by instroke
Hey Guys,
I was the one that got to purchase this pair of headlights. During this purchase Tim asked how I would like them shipped - I had asked for 2-3 air.
So he got a quote thru - UPS, and he gave me a coupe options The standard and 2-3 day air. I decided to take the 2-3 day option.
Well guess what - UPS came back and said they were wrong on the quote to ship 2-3 air would be another $100 - 150 more.
So Tim shipped Standard - he said he was going to refund me like $50 bucks.
I paid $182 in shipping charges - so when the box arrived. (Headlights were in ok shape a couple broken tabs and scratches, but hey they are used so what can I expect. I got a quote myself and the Standard UPS came to $92 - I let Tim know and he said he would refund me the difference, and that was 3 days ago - since then Tim has not responded to my text messages or a private message here.
So I would like to caution anyone that is looking to purchase anything from him. Timz or Tim Eister

There is a second guy filing a dispute as well.