Originally Posted by SerialCoderer
So the dealer came back today and told me my flywheel and some other things pertaining to the clutch (I can't remember) is bad and it needs be replaced. I mentioned the CSC issue and he said he was aware of this issue that other Zs are having, but it is not the case with my car. The dealer said the cost was around $3k to fix.
I really do not want to spend that kind of money and it does not fix the problem.
How much have other people paid to have the aftermarket CSC replaced dealer/non-dealer work.
I am thinking if I get the flywheel and whatever other work the dealer recommends. I can also get the aftermarket CSC fixed as well. Otherwise I am going to sell this car. My 350z was more reliable than this car. SMH
Stop going to the dealer? Go to a good local shop and have better aftermarket parts installed if you're footing the bill anyway? A good clutch/flywheel/csc should be around $1500 and I can't imagine it being more than 5-6 hours of labor to swap it out.