Originally Posted by axmea?
Congrats on the trophy Jason. It takes a lot to win. So do you know the point spread between the two of you and can you tell what made him take 1st?
I don't know the point spread. From what I could see we would be equal on points up to the engine mods, I have a turbo on a NA car.
I didn't expect to win anything at this show, not because I didn't deserve it, because people here do not know what they are looking at when they see my car. There is one show here where people know what they're looking at.
I don't want to come off sounding bitter, or sound like I'm making excuses but, the Audi guy is affiliated with the show organizers. Don't get me wrong, his paint job is very nicely done.
FWIW, my 5 year old son thought it was strange when he noticed one of the judges getting a 1st place trophy.