Well, I've been on my own since i was 17, rented a room in a rooming house for $80 a week out of the $85 a week I made at the Foodtown Supermarket I worked at back in the 80's. Walked to work and school and spent the $5 leftover on discounted food that I got from my job, Potpies were only .25 cents back then and I could get a case for $2.40. While doing things on your own has it rewards as I'm very successful now, a lot of my youth was spent becoming an adult when I should've been enjoying life as a kid. I say to this to say............If you have parents blessed enough to do things like this for you then go pick your new Z out, be safe and have a FFucking Blast.
Last edited by JC-Nismo; 07-18-2015 at 07:42 AM.