Originally Posted by lgirard
I am confuse. Last week, I installed a Stillen supercharger on my 370Z with the Stillen tune. Used the OEM Uprev Flasher and reflashed my ECU. To this point, it worked fine. Now I want to have a custom tune since I feel I am leaving a lot of HP on the table (I don't think the Dyno was acurate but we did 335 WHP with the Stillen tune !) . I talked to a couple of tuner one of which was an Uprev dealer with experience on Nissan Z cars. They were asking me if the Stillen Tune is locked on the ECU, will they be able to pull the Stillen tune to start from if they use the Uprev Tuner software, ect ect ect ... Can someone help ... 
Shoot me an email. You probably don't have an up to date tune.