Was this an independent shop or a Nissan dealer? Nissan dealers will often suggest changing the clutch fluid to GT-R fluid for a problematic slave, but this is really just a band-aid for a broken leg. Don't waste your time unless they are covering it under warranty. With an aftermarket warranty you may still have to pay out of pocket, but it should just be a deductible. At least it shouldn't cost you $1200+ like the dealer would charge. Also, you should be able to take to any shop you want (I recommend calling Kevin at Austin Z Clinic), and you should be able to install an aftermarket slave (either ZSpeed or Z1 kit) instead of the junk OEM like the dealer would use.

2011 370Z 6MT Sport Gun Metallic | ARC | CJM | Ecutek | FI | Fujimura | R2C | SPL | Stillen | TWM | Z1 | ZSpeed |