Originally Posted by Anifaust
Best description- they insulated only the lower portion of the tubing that leads from the Master Cylinder to the Slave. This leaves the upper area of the line open to heat sink. Unfortunately there's still a good section of non-protected tube that runs straight past your exhaust lines. Overheated/Boiling fluid + plastic parts = lose.
I am still waiting on the CSC delivery from Zspeed since they were closed all last week. Just got the tracking email today (7/13) and it should be in OKC by 4:30 Wed. That makes it about two weeks downtime now since mine acted up on 7/2 just before the holiday weekend. My tranny locked down in second gear with the shifter in neutral due to my clutch being floor pinned. I haven't heard of anyone else having this issue and the mechanic said it was probably just a fluke combined with my pressure and timing of pulling the shifter into neutral with the jenk pedal.
I'm still having him wrap the exhaust line in thermal kevlar along with the new part replacement. 
can you take pics of the wrap and the work you guys did, its something I might be interested in doing as well.. thanks man.