Originally Posted by Zipper 104
I can't answer that for you. Maybe someone else is able.
No rubbing on the front on mine at all. I also can't remember the last time I scraped anything on the underside due to the drop of the Swifts. I do take care over things that I think might be an issue, but I rarely drag anything. Better than I ever expected it to be. I thought I'd be hitting something everywhere I went. The ride on Swifts is so superior to the ride on the stock springs. Best mod I've done. (it is the only mod I've done, however)
You won't look back.
I've been looking at some of the other pics you posted in other threads too, I'm really feelin the 20s in the front now lol, they look really nice. I'm definitely really excited about this! I am a little worried about my FI exhaust cans, I'll just have to be extra careful...
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