What made me get the 370z? Lack of options and med school graduation present to my self. There really aren't a whole lot of cars in the same segment. Honestly if subaru still made the STI in a sedan I probably would be driving that right now. Don't get me wrong, I love Z's and have been a huge fan for over 10years now. Still own my 280z and 300zx that I've had for 10yrs. Still, I would have prefered an AWD FI car with the same styling and interior as the 370z. That being said when the new Subaru STI 2-door comes out in the next couple years I may jump to that depending on the final specs of the car. Then again in the next couple years I might just move up to a GTR or Audi R8 instead. Got to get my med school loans in order as well as buy a house before I change cars.