Originally Posted by JARblue
 part of my reasoning for this kit was to avoid having to drop the transmission if any more problems with the slave arise
I just took at look at it. The Z1 kit looks far superior. And I like how some idiot vendor (who I already figured to be an idiot) was knocking the build quality
The 350Z definitely had an internal CSC originally. I'm not exactly sure which years or models used an external one (I saw reports of 2007s with internal CSC failures). Or whether it was the same design as the G or they improved the G and used the new version on both Z and G in later years.
that's good that he z1 kit looks more robust. yah, i dont know the history of the external/internal slave setups either. but what i do know is that my G's clutch feels noticeably better than my Z's clutch even though it is said that csc provides a more direct feel. i dont think so!