Originally Posted by onzedge
admit just how wrong their ideology is.
Liberals are funny animals and I know this both from observation and personal experience. Never has existed a group of people so narrow minded and inflexible -- which makes their preaching about tolerance and acceptance so very laughable. We accept everyone, as long as they agree with our agenda. It is a friggin' joke and I would be laughing if it wasn't for more and more people seemingly adopting this philosophy. Mind you, right-wingers have their share of issues, but they are not creeping into every aspect of our lives and forcing their agenda down our throats at every turn.
not to overwork
So ... I guess I am an unusual liberal in that I don't expect people to believe what I believe. People can believe whatever they want to believe. Creates great conversation if ... and only if ... they can get over themselves. You might consider me one of the most egregious of liberals in that I am a liberal Christian ... except when I am not. Since we are not allowed to discuss religion on the forum, I cannot expound.