will this damage my paint?
So I absolutely hate these dealer installed pin strips. I want to remove them from my car but i do not want to cause any harm to my paint job. I removed them once from my 1997 240sx but frankly that car was much cheaper than my z and I was younger and more careless when I owned that car.
So my questions
1. Will these cause damage to my paint job either by removing it or from paint fade. The car is a 2013 so I wouldn't think there would be much if any fade but I wanted to check first?
2. What the best technique for the removal?
3. I bought my car three weeks ago from drivers way and of course they also put a decal on the back as well. Whats the best technique for removing it and will that cause any damage.
Ill attach a few photos to illustrate. Im just a very proud and protective new owner.
Thank you for an assistance you can offer.