Originally Posted by RCZ
Im just giving you crap  keeping the thread going until Josh answers..
In that case..... I'll help.
The honest to god truth is I hope the intake is everything they say and more. Certainly in my best interest. But man, that's a ton to gain on a small motor whose intake doesn't look all that bad to begin with. Hope I'm proven wrong.
Problem I've ran into virtually my entire hotrodding career is rarely does something produce what it's hyped to be and in many cases needs modification to just fit or work. The term is: "racers net" Which means if you want it to work, you got to make it work.
Unfortunately not necessarily entirely completely in the hands of the people making and promoting the products. First, if someone is honest and they say it only makes 10hp extra........ no one buys it. They buy it from the guy who says theirs makes 25hp. Rarely also are items dyno certified for gains. They brag and talk a bunch of smack to their buds about how much power their car makes w/o even knowing what it really makes. How urban legends start and shaky companies stay in business.
Same for the big name shops who provide dyno sheets for their big buck buildups. Who really bothers to have another shop dyno the car for verification?? Hell, ya got a dyno sheet with it didn't ya? Could not even begin to tell you the times I've seen cars with dyno sheets fall way short of what they thought they paid for when put on an independent dyno.
JC Whitney marketing at it best.