Hey guys! I was ran off the road on Christmas Eve this year and totaled my 370z
man I loved that car. I had an amuse rear bumper, a duck bill spoiler and an ark grip exhaust on it when I wrecked and I am currently moving. I have been lazy and not listed up the stock parts I had sitting in my garage, but I am moving now and need these gone! I am located in Louisvill KY and all parts were painted supra white, with a lamborghini flat clear coat so they will probably need to be repainted!
Stock rear bumper - 150$ + shipping, can be picked up in Lou OBO!
Stock sports spoiler - 250$ + shipping, can be picked up in Lou OBO!
Stock exhaust- 100$ + shipping, can be picked up in Lou OBO!
If anyone picks up either the bumper or spoiler in person I will throw the exhaust in for free.
Also, if anyone makes an order for any of the parts and has an amuse kit, I will throw in the add on 'blades' for the amuse rear bumper I believe they are called. I dont have pictures and I know that is a terrible description but I will try to find a better way to describe them soon. If anyone could help me that would be great. I had a replica amuse rear bumper and I bought these 4 blades that go on like a diffuser but was never able to add them before I crashed.