Originally Posted by KoolKarmaJoe
Excellent idea! Also display pics of what's involved to replace CSC, replacement/aftermarket part invoices, labor invoices, Tow invoices, etc.
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And gladly welcome makers of aftermarket solutions to the CSC issue to be equally represented in the booth I rent at Annual Z Day if they so choose to be. No cost to them. There ya go, you can't get deal than that! Put your money or your product to where your mouth is.!
Originally Posted by Zbrah
Imagine Nissan's faces if you had this on display with models and banners lol

That picture hurts my heart! I'm serious, I have experience in sales promotion, union organizing etc. Granted this is a stretch. But I want to rent a "booth" at Z DAY Events that proudly displays disdain for OEM CSC , & Nissans response to the issue surrounding their shotty CSC , displays facts, pics, costs (parts, aftermarket parts, labor, Tow etc), and also invite makers of aftermarket solutions to the OEM CSC problems to be display (at no cost to them) Namely suppliers of HD CSC's & Elimination Kits. There ya go! That's a sweet deal! Who has the balls to support it, or the courage to forward me a application for booth rental at next 2016 Z DAY?
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