Originally Posted by dP3NGU1N
... Anyway, Just wanted to give a bit of an non-update. No issues since doing this. Not that I anticipated any issues but just thought I'd mention it. Wrong connectors and all. 
Nothing wrong with the way you did it - orders of magnitude better than the twist-the-bare-wires-together-and-tape-them-up method that I've seen used.
Personally, I would use insulated crimp connectors. But that's just because I have a bunch of crimp connectors laying around (I've worked as an Electrician and an Instrument Tech and my hobbies often involve electrical equipment).
Soldering, if done properly, will give a better electrical and mechanical connection than crimp connections, especially if used in a location that promotes corrosion, but makes changing the switch more difficult. I have seen people slide the insulation off the crimp connector (not an easy job), solder the crimp, and then replace the insulator - overkill in my book.