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Old 06-16-2015, 08:20 PM   #58 (permalink)
Ryan @ RJM
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Originally Posted by rajmangal7 View Post
I installed this pedal hoping to get a better feel of my clutch, while i have a better feel of it, it still feels mushy, i am partially afraid its damaging my master cylinder. I love the clutch feel, but it is much different than stock. The install was a major major PITA and I recommend taking it to a shop and save your back. This was the one mod that I hated installing. The main reason was the small space. Overall i rate it a 6/10. The friction point can be adjusted. The pedal is very stiff compared to stock, pretty sure it can be adjusted, but I still feel as if it has more wear on the master cylinder. I am considering switching back to stock.
Raj, I was alerted to this thread by a concerned customer that you weren't happy with your pedal assembly.

When you say you hoped to get better feel but it's "STILL" mushy I assume you mean your clutch had issues before you installed my product as the factory pedal should not feel "Mushy" knor should your pedal with my product installed? My first conclusion reading this is you either have air remaining in your clutch system that was never bled properly or you had a bad master cylinder already prior to installing the new pedal assembly.

I don't know how you "feel" the pedal assembly is wearing out your master cylinder? Is it making noise, is it doing anything abnormal? The pedal assembly simply pushes the master cylinder rod in and out. As long as you didn't poorly setup the angle of the clutch rod (which is fully adjustable) then the clutch rod will be pushing in and out perfectly straight and not causing any additional wear on your master cylinder over the factory pedal.

As for the pedal being too stiff that sounds like the AFP settings are setup incorrectly. If installed per the guide using 75% initial starting point the pedal would have been about 20% lighter then the stock pedal, Not firmer as you stated you had immediately after the install. I can only assume you have a very low AFP setting dialed in which is not giving you the benefit of a lighter pedal or the wider engagement window which the whole product is based around. Not having the effect of the AFP being set correctly I can see why you were disappointed with your setup.

If you had come to me with your concerns I could have easily walked you thru the steps required to better dial in your pedal assembly as you indicated you haven't done to improve the feel.

As for the tight working space I 100% agree its not the most comfortable place to work under the dash of a Z... however that is no fault of the product. I do tend to disagree on who should install the pedal though. Doing it as a DIY customers get a good understanding of how it goes together and how adjustments are made so they can dial the pedal in to their personal liking. Customers who simply have shops install are clueless how to adjust it after and often struggle to dial it in afterwards. Great shops take the time to have the customer test drive the car after the initial install and then have a tech further refine the pedal feel before they leave. Poor shops push customers out the door as quickly as possible with a base setup and no tuning help leaving the customer to struggle on their own.

As well I'm not sure why you purchased a second unit from me for your brother if you truly feel the product isn't worth it?

If you'd like to get your pedal issues sorted out please don't hesitate to send me an email and I'll walk you thru fixing up your install step by step.

Best Regards,

Home of the A.F.P. Upgraded Clutch Pedal System. Smoother Launches, Smoother Shifts & Improved Clutch Control Like No Other Pedal Mod You've Experianced Before Guaranteed!
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