Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
Hola my brothaaa East
No bro  but I already call this morning to the respect authorities and they are working now the complaint against the shop... Im a lot more relax hahaha! cause they have to give me my money back in the easy or the hard way... but they have to respond  If not the authorities take this to the court and the shop have to pay me and then have to close for fraud offense...
And the other thing is... if the shop owner are telling me the true... the wheels have to arrive today... cause apparently the wheels suppose to arrive to the shop on Friday but the carrier do not arrive... soo taking that comment that he give me... we know that the carriers do not work on weekends so maybe the wheels arrive today... let see 
At least progress is being made. I'm happy for ya. This has been an ordeal.
Originally Posted by carlitos_370z
my weekend was great!!!! and very sunny 
When isn't it sunny where you are?