I ve read most of the oil threads and got some great info, plus past exp with my 370 also helps...my questions are....I read somewhere that the 12's and up come with an oil cooler, crappy, but something...I didnt see it when i was changing my oil last night... where is it located? I saw a pic somewhere and it was not like my configuration. 2. What oil have you guys noticed helps with the temps? I have been doing a little test of my own...Ran Pennzoil Ultra platinum and temps rise to 220 fairly fast... 230 or more having fun. I drained and put Amsoil sig series and the temps stay cooler longer and barely got it to 220
Plus the UOA on this oil are amazing. Im about to try some redline and see how that goes. I believe redline has a bit more ester in it than amsoil. Not a RP fan....thanks