QD's don't maintain a shine. That's what a wax or sealant is for. If you are using a QD to clean your paint and reveal the shine beneath the dirt then you are doing it wrong. That's when a car should be washed. Yes, it's a PITA to have to wash the car every time it gets a little dusty but it is better for your paint to just leave it dusty/dirty than it is to scoot that dirt all around the car with a quick detailer. Now you have a white car so out of everyone, it will take that damage longer before it will rear it's ugly head to the point where you can clearly see it but trust me, if you are using a QD the way that you are saying, that damage is there and growing every time you use a QD that way.
If I were to do that to my paint ONCE, the amount of damage that would be evident would show up immediately. With the paint on the Z being so soft, the same exact thing would happen on a dark colored, fully corrected Z just as fast. This is exactly why I don't use a QD in that manner. Not only is it a bad habit but when you look at the logical reason that I lay down in my dust removal videos, it's just common sense when I say that you are asking for trouble when you use a QD in that manner.
Bad looking paint is like getting fat. Going to the local greasy spoon and eating that super-sized greasy double cheeseburger won't make you obese overnight, it's the day in and out trips to that greasy spoon that takes that toll on your body. Constantly cleaning your paint with a QD is an accumulative way to wreck your paint, as I will bet that there are people here who can attest to that first hand. Now they probably know better.
If you want to maintain a shine, use a good wax or sealant. They both protect the shine that comes from proper polishing. Then all you will have to do to see that shine once your car becomes dusty is to just rinse the car off and blow it dry. Wallah, the shine will come right through and you won't have to touch the paint with anything. As we all can derive from common sense, the less you touch the paint, the less chance there is for you to create any damage in the paint.