What: The 2015 MAZOC Summer BBQ
When: Saturday, August 1st at 10 AM until ?
Where: Shenandoah River State Park, Shelter #2.
350 Daughter of Stars Dr, Bentonville, VA 22610
Shelter Map:
Fees: Shenandoah River State Park has a $7 entrance fee per vehicle.
Please join us on August 1st for our annual BBQ. I've reserved Shelter #2 for us at Shenandoah River State Park. This is a covered shelter with multiple picnic tables and two charcoal grilling stations.
Post here if you are attending, what you plan on bringing, and if you are bringing any guests. I'll update the thread with more details soon.
M4a1mustang + Dana
eastwest2300 + guest
jpkirk + Louise + Pete (maybe)
KoolKarmaJoe + Guest
asorg31 + guest
MightyBobo + Mrs. MightyBobo
Jon + Pat
Who's Bringing What:
eastwest2300 - 3 big bags of Doritos
Jpkirk - BBQ baked beans & potato salad + ribs
b1adesofcha0s - chicken tikka
KoolKarmaJoe - spicy marinated chicken mesquite, paper plates, plastic ware, & a bag of Matchlight Charcoal..
Masa - sides/drinks
asorg31 - Texas brisket + awesome bread
Ghostas - costco sausages, chips, hummus
ZCarMan - big cooler with ice/drinks + large trash bags, as well as charcoal
MightyBobo - we naps, napkins, trash bags
Cristobal09 - a couple of pies