Originally Posted by DIGItonium
I've been on and off about selling. It makes me sad to let it go, but that's life and sometimes there are bigger priorities. It's not easy balancing this hobby and a house on my own the past 3 years.
Anyhow. I just gotta tighten up the lines today. When the new filters come in I will try to come up with a method to do a smoke test. Seems no one's willing to lend a hand so I've been working alone the past month. But man... it runs so much better and there's no raw fuel smell.
Yeah I got family in Kansas City and in Missouri. So I come that way fairly often. I'd be more than willing to help if you were a little closer. But at least if you do get it taken care of, I'm close enough to come get it from you! I'm not in a really big rush but in the next 2-3 weeks I'll have a check from my insurance company and will be really trying to find something. :/ I miss my z