Originally Posted by AstatenateZ
Haha good ole zip ties. Well lmk if you decide to sale and if Mavrik doesn't jump on it. I got hit about 1 1/2 week ago and they totaled my car. Only had front bumper, passenger head light, hood, passenger fender damage. Not sure how a 26k car is totaled for 3 body panels and a head light. But oh well. They're cutting me a check that I should be getting my check in the upcoming week. So I've been looking everywhere for something 
I've been on and off about selling. It makes me sad to let it go, but that's life and sometimes there are bigger priorities. It's not easy balancing this hobby and a house on my own the past 3 years.
Anyhow. I just gotta tighten up the lines today. When the new filters come in I will try to come up with a method to do a smoke test. Seems no one's willing to lend a hand so I've been working alone the past month. But man... it runs so much better and there's no raw fuel smell.