Originally Posted by JARblue
I've got one. I did the install myself over a year ago (~17K miles). I've done one adjustment. I check it every time I'm under the car, and at this point expect to do no more than one adjust per 10-20K miles depending on how hard the clutch plate is used during that time. The adjustment is simple, requires minimal tools (jack + stands or ramps needed), and takes very little time if you are already under the car for an oil change or something. I've posted about my experiences with the adjustment in several threads on the matter 
I will search for "threads". I'm open to any product that eliminates the frustration of dealing with OEM CSC's. And the idea of a product that I can adjust myself without dealing with a shop is appealing to me. I enjoy working on my Z, and enjoy doing my own maintenance on my vehicle. I got the jack stands, the low profile race ramps, and as Jeff Spicoli said in movie Fast Times At Ridgemont High - "Dude I can fix this. My dad has a awesome set of tools".