Hey Guys,
now is your time to shine, if you believe you have what it takes to survive in this cut throat industry this is your call. I am looking for someone who can contribute to this department both in sales & customer relations to expand this department and aid with growth. with that said the following requirements are must haves
- exceptional communication skills
Hell ya SON, I got that comunicashun down pat!
- well organized
Folds my own laundry 
- strong automotive knowledge (i will test you)
Can tell a 370z from a 350
- strong after market support knowledge
Plastidip is tha sh!tniz.
- follow up skills
Former debt collector, I hound those bitches days and nights!
- timely & reliable.
I can tell time. You can rely on that!
- currently active in the auto industry
Owns my own car 
- dedicated
Only missed 2 days of rehab this month
- able to go to track days & shows on some weekends.
street races count?
- self motivated & driven
I'm a Self Pleaser 
- pass random drug screening
It's strictly medicinal use.
- good driving record (must be able to drive company vehicles)
No tickets since 2014. Calling Dibs on the Nismo Gt-R!
- able to multitask
Sorry, I don't drink and drive at the same time, usually doing one before the other but I can try if it's required for the job!
- able to work a rotating Monday - Friday & Tue - Saturday Schedule
there are other qualities that will be required, the Motorsports Division handles much more than regular parts and VIN request so potential candidates with hands on experience are preferred. You need to know both old, new, cars & trucks. someone with knowledge outside of Nissan will highly complement your chances at the position. (subaru, mitsubishi, honda, toyota, ford, chevy, etc) but will be considered on an overall rating & potential.
please feel free to share this to any potential candidates you guys may know. send all resumes to
JVARGAS@FONTANANISSAN.COM I will evaluate every application and contact only those we see fit. pay is negotiable depending on experience, skill level & knowledge. pay will only be discussed with potential candidates as part of the interview process.
thank you all for your time, I look forward to working with one lucky person soon! submit your resumes now