I am sure as a wax/ detailer after a full deep wash it will work okay.
I even tried some of the clay lube made by Chemical Guys, bought the big diluted jug. That mofo leaves streaks like I wiped with a contaminated 0-30W oil cloth on the panels. However, and this part is important. It was never advertised as a quick detailer.
Anyways, need my 2nd wash of the year today. As I drove from Orlando to home earlier this evening. It was raining and there was lots of little ickle frogs being run over on the road by yours truly, not sure what the hell was going on, for a moment I thought the plague had started.
Now the garage smells as does the exterior of the car of a dirty sewage stale water stench. I dread to look under the fenders.
Last edited by Limeybastard; 06-03-2015 at 05:22 AM.