Originally Posted by phunk
The point of the baffles is to allow oil to travel towards the pickup. Oil flow in that direction is good. If the turbo drains were pushing oil in that direction, that would be a positive as it would provide oil flow in the direction we want it, and it would create a venturi effect promoting additional oil to flow in this direction.
When you want the baffles to close when turning, g-loads will close the baffles from the weight of oil pressing on them. So it wouldnt make a difference when it matters.
Although, the reality of it is that the turbo return oil is not high velocity. It is generally pretty aerated low velocity oil and probably couldnt push the baffles open even if the car was sitting stationary.
So while I dont agree with your concern at all, your concern does make me realize an alternate consideration. Maybe I will try and baffle the return area some to increase oil residency in the turbo return oil for the sake of improved aeration disposal.
Well in my line of work, it is a common practice if you see a problem say something, the worst thing that can happen is your wrong, i personally would change the output direction to cause less problems.
By the way its a little off topic, but i am looking for a reputable company that can mill me titanium. Maybe you can recommend some one?