Originally Posted by Tigger
I have the same can for my .300 blackout SBR. It's nice for sure!
I have the 762 SOCOM RC, and a 762 SOCOM Mini. To be honest, and brutal, I am not impressed with how they perform using subsonics in my 10.3" 300BLK. I am somewhat connected to Surefire, and I LOVE their stuff, get a few free things to T&E from them from time to time, etc. so I really hesitate to say anything negative, but the 762RC and 762 Mini really are in their element with supersonic projectiles much moreso than subs. Surefire's new 300 can, though, is amazing from what I hear, on pretty much everything. However, everything sounds sexy on cell-phone YouTube vids!!!
Truth be told, I've kindof dumped the 300BLK idea. If someone gave me a fair price for my 10.3" DDM4 upper, I'd possibly sell it and just buy a 14.5" 5.56 upper to drop on there. The whole SBR thing has kindof worn off for me. The more I train, the more I realize they are just a bunch of negatives with no real positives, even working in and around vehicles.